Friday, July 15, 2011

Cade's Cove Camping Trip

June 22-24 2011
Location: Cade's Cove is at the end of Little River Road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can also reach Cade's Cove by taking US 321 to TN 73 in Townsend, TN. Then following the signs into the park. Cade's Cove is about 9 miles from Townsend.

Our site: B71
Cade's Cove Campground is just like most of the campgrounds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is pretty big and pretty busy. The store in the campground is much bigger than at the other campgrounds. There is also a snack bar and souvenir shop next to the camp store. Abrams Creek runs along side the campground and while there aren't riverside sites our campsite was very close to the water and we were able to walk down to the Creek and play in the water for a bit. The campground is very nice, it's just not anything really special.

The real draw here is Cade's Cove itself. The eleven mile loop is open daily from sunup to sundown. On Wednesday and Saturday mornings, the loop is only open to bicycles until 10 am; other times bicycles, vehicles and pedestrians are welcome. Plan to take 2-3 hours to drive the loop as traffic moves slowly and there's lots to stop and see. We drove the loop several times during our stay and saw hundreds of deer and lots of bears as well. I believe on one trip around the loop we saw 16 bears in about an hour and a half.
There are several hikes in the area. We were going to try one, but by the time we got there exhaustion and whininess had set in (plus
Mommy had a ditzy moment with the baby pack - thought we forgot it, searched everywhere only to find it in the front seat when we got back to the car, sigh...) So we walked a short way down the trail toward Abrams Falls, but didn't make it far before Tot sat down in the middle of the trail, completely done. Bawled her eyes out and refused to get up. Daddy was fishing down below the trail and Mommy walked a little ahead to try to encourage Tot to get up and walk just a little further to the creek. Tot was having nothing to do with this plan and continued to sit and cry hysterically until Mommy came back and took her by the hand to lead her to the water. As Tot got up she saw, out of the corner of her eye a mother bear with two cubs and in between sobs managed to cry out, "Look Mommy, it's a bear!" Sure enough here came momma bear followed by her cubs down to the trail, back up into the woods, down to the trail, back up into the woods, down to the trail and off into the woods for good. We figured she was trying to get the creek but wanted to avoid people even more. And of course, the ever fearless Tot was trying with all of her might to pull away from Mommy and chase after the bear. "I want to take a picture, Mommy!! I want to take a picture!"

For more information or reservations, click here.

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